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Superior Apartments


Via dei Sardi 51 - 00185 ROMA

TELEFONO 06 86296973

MOBILE +39 331 1352903

screenshot 2024-11-29 alle 07.35.28


From Termini railstation

From exit walk to via Marsala,  turn left and take via dei Ramni, walk on via dei Ramni for 400m, then turn right on via dei Marrucini for 300m, reached via dei Sardi, after 300m you arrive at BorgoSanLorenzo

From Fiumicino

Reach the railstation and take Leonardo Express to Termini.

From Ciampino

Reach the bus stationand take the bus for Termini


Borgo San Lorenzo Roma offers a Shuttle / Shuttle from the airports with a rental service with driver
Transfer from Fiumicino starting from 50 €
Transfer from Ciampino starting from 40 €



We are located in the center of Rome in the district of San Lorenzo which takeits name from the nearby basilica di San Lorenzo outside the walls.

The urbanization of the area dates back to the period between 1884 and 1888, when rome experienced a great urban development following its unification to the Kingdom of Itay and become the capital city. Before this date, a substantially agricultural landscape extended beyond the aurelian alls, so much so that the basilica of San Lorenzo was defined "out of th walls", with reference to the Aurelian walls. The purpose of its construction was the construction of housing for the workers who arrived in Rome at the end of the nineteenth centuryfor the urban development of the cty between the two centuries.


The first inhabitnats were in fact railwaymen, workers and artisans. Hence the popular nature of the district, which is reflected in the particulat types of buildings. The first public document refering to San Lorenzo district can be found in the resolution of 1 July 1887 concerning the toponomy of Rome with the additon of new streets and quares of the post unification.

The Discrict is also known because the first "Children's House" in the world was established here y Maria Montessor. In 1909 it entered into the town plan of the municipallity of Rome. It was the only District in which an attempt to stop the March on Rome was made, so much that the fame of "red district" was born from there along with other historic districs of Rome, such as Testaccio.


On the July 19, 1943, in the middle of World War II, San Lorenzo was hit by the Allied bobing of Rome, with the aim of attacing the freight yard .. still active today. At 11.03am 662 US bombers dropped 4,000 bombson the District, causing about 3,000 deaths and 11,000 injured. San Lorenzo is a District frequnted by the students of the nearby University of Rome "La Sapienza", animated ny numerous pubs, restaurants, breweries and cutural associations, gradually so,  losing its genuinely popular character.

The disctrict has hosted among its inhabitants artists, artisans, writers and intellectuals, as well as well-known exponent of the film world.


The streets of the district are mainly dedicated to the ancient italic volks: Anamari, Apuli, Aurunci, Ausoni, Bruzi, Campani, Caudini, Corsi, Dalmati, Dauni, Enotri, Equi, Ernici, Etruschi, Falisci, Frentani, Galli, Irpini, Latini, Liburni, Liguri, Lucani, Marrucini, Marsi, Messapi, Osci, Pelasgi, Peligni, Piceni, Ramni, Reti, Rutoli, Sabelli, Salentini, Sanniti, Sardi, Siculi, Umbri, Vestini, Volsci.


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